
IMG 3147

Code K1

This is an Eunjangdo knife from Korea, c. early 20th century.  It is small, easily fitting in the palm of the hand, and typically carried in a pocket. The steel blade is well-forged, showing folding, and is very sharp. The hilt and scabbard are good quality solid silver, not sheet silver. The pieces fit together precisely with a good weight in the hand. The hilt and scabbard are decorated with engraved floral patterns. On the sheath a small chrysanthemum emblem is found.

The engraving on the blade, not yet translated, is typically a devotion or expression of loyalty.

The custom of carrying a eunjangdo is reported to have originated in Korea during the Joseon Dynasty (c. 1392-1897). Due to the importance of silver, common people were prohobited from being worn by the common people, but the prohibition had limited effect. The custom continued during the subsequent Korean Empire and effectively ended as common practice during the occupation of Korea by Japan. Nevertheless, it remains an important cultural asset made only by a handful of master craftsmen today.

Jangdo is the general term in Korean for an ornamental knive with sheath carried in clothingThe name Eunjando 은장도 (classic Chinese 銀粧刀) itself is translated as "silver jewelry knife". The eunjungdo had a strong symbolic and functional role. The knife was carried by women, perhaps for self-defense, but more so as a symbol of unwavering fidelity and fillial duty to husband, parents, in-laws and sons. For men, the eunjando is a symbol of loyalty. For the Korean aristocracy and gentry, Eunjangdo was only a symbol of loyalty and devotion to Confucian ideals. Today, a eunjangdo could be given by a company to a valued employee who is retiring.

Attached to the scabbard is a Norigae (Korean: 노리개), a traditional decorative pendant or tassel and good luck charm. A norigae was an heirloom and passed down to descendants. The knots in this norigae are symbolic of Buddhism. This may indicate the norigae, and perhaps the eunjangdo as well, was made during the Korean Empire period or later. The Joseon Dynasty promoted Confucianism and discouraged Buddhism.