Keris Blade Parts

See also: Keris Nomenclature

The parts of a keris blade are key distinguishing features. No two keris are exactly alike. The presence, absence, and quality of each of the features are important in characterizing the overall aesthetic and technical quality of the keris blade.

Here are the names of the parts that are important for distinguishing the features of a keris. There are often alternate names and/or names for groupings of features depending on the region. This certainly complicates understanding and use of the terms. Furthermore, the are often alternate spellings of the same word due to differences in transliteration (e.g., the letter combinations "tj" and "oe" and "ee" are often found in Dutch literature).

Keris have two main parts:  the blade (including pesi) and the ganja.  The blade/pesi symbolize the phallus, while the ganja Yoni symbolizes the intention.  Unity between the phallus and Yoni yield expectations of fertility, immortality (in the sense of sustainability), and strength.

See also Keris Perabot which refers to the accessories, or “clothing” of the keris blade.

  1. Landep Ngadjeng
  2. Landep Wingking
  3. Ada-ada: A line more or less noticeable in the middle of the blade, extending from the base to the tip of the blade.
  4. Gusen: Flat face located between the kruwingan and the lis-lisan, and extending from the base of the blade almost to the tip.
  5. Sogokan Wingking: Parallel fullers starting from the base of the blade on either side from the middle. The sogokan is usually double and about 6 to 8 cm long, but it can be single (on the front side of the blade only), or longer.
  6. Sogokan Ngadjeng:  See #5
  7. Sorsoran
  8. Adeg-Adeg
  9. Greneng:  Serrations and spines carved on the rear side of the ganja, and possibly at the bottom of the back face of the blade (greneng sungsun). The greneng includes serrations (ronda and ronda nunut) and spines (ripandan).
  10. Titil
  11. Ganjah: the guard/parrying structure.
  12. Paksi
  13. Wideng
  14. Ankaan
  15. Tikel Allis: A channel located on the front side of the blade just above the gandik, about 4 cm long.
  16. Mata
  17. Djenggot (Jenggot): Spines and serrations carved on the top of the kembang kacang.
  18. Telale Gadjah (also Sekar Kacang, Kembang Kacang): A protrusion shaped as an elephant trunk, located on the top part of the gandik. There are various shapes of kembang kacang, including one type looking like a snub nose (kembang kacang pogok).
  19. Djalu Memet
  20. Lambe Gadjah: Small protrusion(s) located in front of the gandik and below the kembang kacang. It could be a single one, or double, or more rarely triple.
  21. Srawejan: A channel located on the sor-soran, behind the back sogokan.
  22. Gandik
  23. Pejetan: This is the cavity located behind the gandik and just above the ganja. The pejetan is supposed to withstand the thumb pressure during the thrust from the kris.
  24. Tingil: Javanese feature. A single sharp protrusion located on the back side of the ganja or the base of the blade, which can be considered a a variation of the greneng.
  25. Ri-Pandan

Names for features as seen from the bottom of the blade:

Here are more diagrams with a few alternate names for the features of a keris
