Code CH13
This is a traditional knife of the Paiwan aboriginal tribe of the island of Taiwan. It is possibly called a “pingpu” knife. The half or open scabbard, one side wood, is found thoughout SE Asia. Depending on the origin, the open side secures the blade using rattan, bamboo, or in the case of the Paiwan, metal bands.
This style of knife is a very traditional design. The knife is reportedly fashioned by the father on the birth of a son. The boy is allowed to wear the blade at age 12. It is a multifunctional tool as well as a deadly weapon. The knifes primary use was for survival and hunting in the jungle forest.
The figure on the hilt with upstretch arms is an ancestor symbol. The scabbard features the paipushe snake, which the Paiwan refer to as "the Elder".

Taiwan aboriginal hunter with open scabbard