The purpose of this page is to provide a cross-reference index of equivalent names and variant spellings used for the same or very similar edged weapons. There is frequently no agreement on what is "correct" because it depends on who is having the discussion and for what purpose. The language of the speaker and the language of who is writing down the name are also important. Simple variations in historical transliteration result in an enormous variety of spellings. Collectors have also adopted some terms for reasons of convenience not accuracy. Unfortunately the use of so many different names for essentially the same object means that a large amount of information remains uncorrelated.
In some cases, the names listed here as equivalents may refer to variations on a type. These are not necessary equivalent terms, but may aid in disambiguation. In other cases, the weapon itself may have no recorded name so the name of the ethnic group or tribe is used as the reference term.
Spellings, that contain "oe", "ue" and "ee", for example Oeloe instead Hulu, are still found in the older literature and included here for completeness. They come from the Dutch colonial era and are no longer used in modern Indonesian usage.
I also include common spelling variations that may simply be due to writer error or preference.
Please also note that the order of the list is alphabetical, but within each line, the order is arbitrary! Use the page word search function in your browser (typically command-F) to locate a word of interest.
I hope this list aids you in gathering as much relevant information as possible about an edged weapon.
- arit, celurit, chelurit, clurit, sabit, arek, caluk, calok, bhiris
- ayda katti, ayudha kathi, aydha katti, ayudha katti, oidekatti
- balato, baltoe, balatu, balatu sebua, ballatu, foda, gari telegu, klewang buchok berkait, roso sebua, telagoe
- beladau, baladau
- bıçak, bichaq, bishaq, bichaq, bichac, pichoq, pichok, pchak, pechak, P’chak
- badik, badek
- banyal, bañal
- choora, chhurá, chhooree, chukkoo
- dahomey, hwi
- dha, dah, dhaw, dao, daab, dahb, darb
- gunong, puñal, puñal de kris
- jamadhar, jandad, jamdhar, jumdud
- jambiya, janbiya, koumiya, shabria, dharia, khanjar, khanjarli, djambieh, djambiah, djoembia, jumbia
- kard, karud, sancar
- kerambit, karambit, korambi, koerambi, koerambit, korambit
- kelewang, klewang, gliwang
- kharga, jamadhar teg, kora
- khodami, khodami, khodmi
- khyber, charay, salawar, charas, churea, churra, salawar yatagan
- kindjal, kinshal, kinjal, qinjal, khanchal, qama, gham, kghama
- koummiya, koummya, koumiyya, koomya, koummiyaa
- kujang, kudi, kudik, bade gagang
- kukri, khukri, knukuri
- ladeng, ladeeng, ladieng
- mandau, parang ihlang
- nabur, njaboer, naboer
- ngala, ngulu, bangala, ngombe
- panabas, tabas, pang tabas
- panjang, peudeung
- parang latok, latok, latok buku, parang pathi
- parang nabur, beladah belabang
- pedang, pedhang
- pemutik, temutik, pangot, pangruk
- pesh kabz, pesh qabz, pishqabz
- pinuti, pinute
- puukko, lapinleuku, lapinleuku, stuorra niibi, väkipuukko
- qama, khama, kama, khanjali, shalta, see also: kindjal
- quan dao, guandao
- rencong, rentcong, rentjong, rentjoeng, rincong, reuncong, rintjong, rincoeng
- salawar, khyber, selawah
- sangi, sangngi
- seme, simi
- sewar, siwah, siwaih, siwar
- shabria, shabariyya, kangar
- sikin, sikim, sikkim, sekem
- sirah bouk, zirah bouk
- sumara, simala, soemara
- tabu, tebu
- tabwa, taabwa, batabwa
- tumbak, tombak, gandjur, toembak