Piso Batak 

IN90 Piso Gaja Dompak

Code IN90

A dagger provisionally identified as a Piso Halasan of the Toba-Batak tribe in N. Sumatra, c. 19th C. There are several similar weapons that differ in the hilt material, type of carvings, and so forth. They are given different names and have different roles as signifiers of prestige. For example, this dagger differs from the widely found description of Piso Gaja Dompak in the carving only. The Piso Gaja Dompak includes a carved representation of an elephant on the hilt.The figure sits on the elephant in the design. In all other respects the match is very good. The Piso Gaja Dompak was reserved for the king and his descendents only. As ancestor figures have special significance, it may be that this dagger belonged to a high prestige member of the royal court. Or not. 

A fuller description will be posted at a later date.

This weapon requires cleaning and removal of the active rust. 

OAL: 15 1/2”